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What are the valuable experiences of famous car wash shops?

Date: Aug 13, 2018

Many alliances have been established, but no progress has been made. This is a common problem encountered by the current alliance. The alliance began with loose cooperation, scattered and chaotic, and chaos could not enter. How to order them is a matter of urgency. This problem does not solve many alliances will stop or even fail. In fact, the management of the alliance is much more complicated than the current members of the alliance, and the requirements for people, money, goods and information are also extremely high. When I first launched the alliance, I didn’t fully understand it. Facing such a problem is an insurmountable threshold for a weak start-up alliance. How to solve the problem is not just a question of the alliance itself, but about the future and destiny of the new thing of the alliance. The whole market must pay a high degree of attention.
What are the valuable experiences of famous car wash shops?
At the beginning of the reform and opening up, China’s market economy has just started. There is no successful model for the development of each industry. It can only cross the river by feeling the stones. Not only is the speed slow, but many companies are submerged in the river during the trial and error process. extremely. In the past 40 years of reform and opening up in China, the development of the post-automotive aftermarket has been less detours or even detours. It can be done through reference and cooperation. Because all walks of life in China have achieved considerable development, many industries have already reached the forefront of the world. Car wash shops have many experiences and resources to learn from. After years of opening up, China's auto parts distribution industry has a lot of substantive contacts with the auto parts distribution industry in Europe and America. They can learn from their advanced experience and technology, and take advantage of the advantages of China's auto parts distribution industry. In a short period of time to catch up with Europe and the United States, the entire industry must have such a belief.