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How to manage the store?

Date: Aug 16, 2018

In addition to the procurement cost, the light distribution dealer's daily expenses are the largest in terms of county site cost, logistics cost and personnel cost. Auto parts dealers have certain requirements for the office environment and the size of the warehouse. The rising rent costs bring a lot of pressure to the dealers. Auto Parts City was originally the preferred business place for auto parts dealers. However, in recent years, the development of auto parts city has also faced great challenges. The polarization is serious: the cost of a good auto parts city store is extremely high, and the poor auto parts city has no business. Logistics warehousing is also a big problem. The competition among dealers comes from the competition of logistics. The timeliness of terminal repair enterprises to dealers is getting higher and higher, there is not enough warehouses, not enough. Transferred transport vehicles, business is easy to be snatched away.
How to manage the store?
The construction of logistics and warehousing system requires a large amount of hardware investment, and it also needs to be equipped with corresponding information systems and management personnel. It may not be able to generate returns in the short term. Many traditional dealers face the situation of advancement and retreat. The customer requirements are constantly getting higher, and the management difficulty is “multiple, fast, good, and provincial”. It is the core requirement of the end-customer for the upstream dealers. However, the satisfaction of the dealers to the customer requirements is to balance various factors. The dealers also hope to develop a multi-category product line and increase the sKU of the inventory goods, but this increases the dealer's investment, increases the management difficulty, and increases the business risk; improves the timeliness of the distribution, requires the dealer to store On the premise of ensuring product quality, dealers need to find more upstream suppliers to lower the price of upstream suppliers through various means; while saving their own operating costs, they must also consider How to help end customers save money.