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Australia customers visit for steam wash car machine

Date: May 17, 2019

  On April 13th, 2019, we welcomed one of our customers from Australia, Shaun, who has opened many car wash and beauty shops in Australia. Many of their customers are some sports car customers, all of which are very high-end. So this time he came to be very optimistic about our three nano car wash equipment.

Australia customers visit for steam wash car machine
  After coming to our company, Shaun was very satisfied with the design of our showroom. He felt very beautiful. After that, we communicated with Shaun in detail in the conference room. He said that he wanted to introduce our equipment. Their country, because their country is very environmentally friendly, our equipment is very water-saving, this is in line with the national conditions of their country, and he also likes the appearance of our equipment.
Australia customers visit for steam wash car machine
  After that, we took shaun to our base to inspect our products. Our master Cui demonstrated how to operate the equipment and how to use our machine to wash the engine and the inner chamber, as well as the air conditioning duct of the car. After shaun finished reading Very fond of our equipment, he said that this equipment is really good, this can be done in the whole car cleaning, even the engine can be cleaned, on the spot shaun decided to buy a prototype to go back to try, if the equipment is good, he will Continue to purchase and consider doing our distributors.
  This steam car wash equipment should be very popular in Australia, because we have the right price and a lot of functions, we can wash the whole car, I hope our equipment can help more people in Australia.