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alloy wheel machine

Date: May 17, 2019

  When we talk about wheels,what is the first vision in our mind
  Shinning on the road , attracting the eyes all the way !
  And also we know the wheel hub is easy to be scratched and yellowed with time passing .
  The alloy wheel machine will help you to solve the problem .
  firstly the alloy wheel machine is able to refurbish the wheel hub instead forcing you to buy a new one .
  secondly , the original wheel is always best for your car . we shall not easily to change new one to torch your car .
  thirdly ,the wheel refurbishment will make your wheel shinning and even better than before because the powerful ability .
  The Shanghai Gubot Automobile Technology Co. Ltd , which is the leader on alloy wheel machine market . the unique machine (GBT LSC100) is able to cut the 28 inches wheel , and depth 350mm wheel .  it is technology is the cutting edge in the world right now with patent in China .
  The most unique feature is the developing control system inside the alloy wheel machine. Which are able to be updated by internet easily .  this is a innovation technology which you can not find from the other alloy wheel machine on the world market right now !
  Saving the material and the energy is the basic motto for us , serve the world better with excellent products .
  With supporting from government , we need to work hard to perform the duty on shoulder

alloy wheel machine