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what is the wheel straightening machine

Date: May 17, 2019

  Generally, the deformation of the hub is caused by the fact that the speed of driving through the pit is too fast and there is no deceleration.
  Can the wheel deformation be repaired?
  The main force point of the hub is the spokes, as long as the spokes are not bent and are not deformed, it does not affect the safe use. The rim deformation is correctable. Moreover, the deformation repair of the wheel hub is now corrected by a professional straightening machine without changing the aluminum alloy molecules of the wheel hub, so that the upper and lower jumps of the upper and lower jumps are within the standard range. Below we can see the effect of several wheel hub deformation repairs.
what is the wheel straightening machine
  Now that we know that the deformation of the hub is due to the fact that the speed of the pit is too fast, I hope that the owners will cherish their wheel hubs and drive the pits to slow down. The driving speed is also avoided as fast as possible. If the edge deformation of the hub is recommended, it should be repaired in time to avoid affecting the use.