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Do you know the key point to washing cars with a car wash ma

Date: Oct 09, 2019

Do you know the key point to washing cars with a car wash machine?

Do you know the key point to washing cars with a car wash ma

1. Avoid washing the car under the scorching sun. This leaves traces of dry water on the body.

2. Avoid washing the car in very cold weather. Once the water freezes, it can cause the paint film to rupture.

3. Avoid completely cooling the engine end and wash the car with a steam car wash machine. This will cause the engine to age prematurely.

4. Avoid adding detergent. Washing powder, decontamination powder and inferior soap are not allowed for cleaning. Because these detergents contain alkali, it may wash off the grease in the paint and accelerate the aging of the paint. Generally, no detergent is added during car wash.

5. Avoid flushing the body with high-pressure water. Excessive water pressure can damage the body paint surface. In case of hard dust on the body, first dip in water and then rinse with water. Disperse water flow is used to spray.

Do you know the key point to washing cars with a car wash ma

6. Avoid using water other than soft water, including hot water, alkaline water and water with higher hardness. Because these substances can damage the paint. Wash with hard water and leave marks and film on the body surface after drying.

7. Avoid rubbing. After rinsing with water, many people like to wipe it; there are two main problems with wiping: the cloth used is unqualified and the wiping method is not right. To wipe, wipe with a soft cloth or a soft, clean sponge. When wiping, follow the direction of water flow, gently wipe from top to bottom, do not circle or wipe horizontally.

8. Avoid using a hard cleaning tool to remove dirt. Such as plastic brushes, blades to scrape the stains, it is easy to damage the paint surface.

9. Avoid touching the body surface with dirty hands with oil stains, or place oily tools or wipes containing organic solvents on the body, which will leave marks on the paint surface or fade the paint surface prematurely.

Do you know the key point to washing cars with a car wash ma

10. Avoid using detergents. There may be corrosive stains on the car body, such as asphalt, oil stains, birds, insect dung, etc. When cleaning the body oil stains, use a sponge to gently wipe a little kerosene or gasoline, and then apply a polishing paste on the rubbed area. Make it as shiny

Whether you are washing the car at a car wash or washing your own car, you must have an understanding of the car wash requirements. Otherwise, the car wash is not successful, but instead "harm" the car.